Signs Your Betta Fish Is Happy

15 Signs Your Betta Fish Is Happy

Pets of any shape or size make us happy as they add liveliness and fun to the environment. Some prefer keeping dogs or cats. Others may seem interested in colorful birds like parrots, macaws, love birds and more to add a spice to their life.

However, aquatic creatures make wonderful pets and create a lively atmosphere by their constant hustle-bustle in the tank. Angel fish, guppies, swordfish, eels are some types that people like to keep. Nonetheless, bettas or Siamese fighter-fish add vibrancy to the tank by their sheer colorful and majestic presence.

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Like any living creature, fish too have emotions, likes and dislikes that can affect their well-being. It is up to the owner to understand the temperament of the pet fishes and try to make them comfortable and happy in the tank, which is their home.

As far as betta fish is concerned, there are some parameters or signs that will make you realize if your lovely pet is happy or sad. Betta fish are very colorful, aggressive to some extent and space loving creatures. Following the guidelines will ascertain that they remain happy and healthy.


As mentioned earlier, betta fish are fond of open spaces and freedom of movement. Confining them in a small tank or bowl that restricts their movement makes them unhappy. While buying betta, make sure that you have a decent sized tank of at least 5 gallons capacity. That will give them plenty of places to move around freely.


Remember, no one likes to live in a mundane and drab atmosphere. A well decorated tank makes it interesting and gives the fish enough reason to explore and keep busy. However, ensure that none of the decorations are sharp-edged that can damage their majestically spread fanned gills while moving around in the tank.

There are many tank decorative pieces available that lend a charm to the aquarium and as far as betta tank is concerned, rounded stones, caves, tunnels and floating leaves are enough to excite the occupants.


Any natural environment is enough to make anyone happy. Same applies to the fishes too. In river, sea or pond they are so used to swimming through aquatic plants, that the addition of live plants to the aquarium makes them happy and secure with a feeling of being in the same old natural surroundings.

Nonetheless, do choose the plants wisely after consultation with the aquarist. Besides giving the betta that homely feeling, the plants act as perfect setup for their favorite game of hide-and-seek. Bettas love to hide and thus hunt for places to go in peaceful retreat. Hence, caves, tunnels or plants are highly favored by bettas and that makes them happy.


Even though bettas are perceived as solitary fish that prefer being on their own, it does not imply that they do not like company. Solitude can be boring and killing. The presence of another tank mate gives a boost to the existence and gives them a playmate. The safe and permissible varieties of tank mates are snails, shrimps, dwarf crayfish, plecos and otocinclus catfish amongst others.


A happy betta fish has a good appetite and eats food as soon as you feed it. It shows enthusiasm while you are feeding and eagerly awaits its turn. On the other hand, an unhappy betta will lose interest in food and stay quietly in a corner of the tank, with no inclination in eating. A food that is good for betta’s health and that makes it happy is brine shrimp. This is high in proteins and very beneficial for healthy growth, vibrant color and good fins.


Just as people get bored living in the same house arrangement year after year and give the place a revamp at regular intervals, the tank too needs the same treatment. Keeping the betta in the same setup for a long time is bound to make it lose interest and feel sad. Thus, occasionally it makes sense to rearrange the tank, add new stuff and put in some more varieties for company


we always spend time and play around and interact with pets like cats and dogs, even birds for that matter. Then why neglect the fishes? They too have emotions and they are your pets, so naturally they will look forward to some interaction with you. Remember, betta is an intelligent breed of fishes and that gives them all the more reason to be emotional. Talk to them, feed them and you will see how excited they get and follow you around as you move near the tank. Holding a finger above water surface will make it jump up in joy to reach it. However, care should be taken not to make it jump out of the tank.


When the betta is happy, it is very active and swims around the tank in playful manner. A happy betta is constantly on the move, albeit leaving the time when it is resting. So if you see its activity around the tank, rest assured that all is well. Else, it will just hide in some spot and refuse to budge. That is sign of unhappy and sulking betta.


A happy betta is excited to be in company of its owner. As you move in the room around the tank, you will see it animatedly follow you and watch you closely. Like any other pet, fishes too like to have that sense of belonging and being loved and appreciated by someone.

Do not underestimate their intelligence because they are small. They are equally clever and observant and this can be noticed by placing a mirror outside the tank or holding something colorful and you will see that they are attracted to the new objects.


This is another sign of a happy betta. As it is bettas are very colorful and have exotic colors and majestic fins and tails. The upkeep of the vibrancy of colors indicate happy and healthy pet. Similarly, well flared and neat fins are sign of good fish.


Once your betta has comfortably settled in its tank and is quite content with the surrounding, it will look forward to start its family. To create a mating environment, bettas make bubble nests on the surface of the tank. Well, it’s not that all types follow this norm. So do not be disheartened if your betta is not making bubbles. This is just a general trend and observation amongst bettas. And that surely emphasizes that the pet is happy and secure in its tank.


All pets are like our babies that love to have a toy to keep them engaged and happy at all times. If we get toys for dogs and cats, then why not for fishes? Yes, it is true that the aquarist will introduce you to a whole new world of fish toys and you can select one to keep your betta happy. A new playmate besides the tank mates will keep it active and engrossed.


Betta fish is fond of darkness and it is happier in a dark and quiet environment. Therefore, when you select tank light, buy a dimmer type that will help you control the brightness in the tank. Another method of creating a hazy atmosphere in the tank is by addition of tannin. This gives a brownish tinge to the water and that automatically dims the external bright light as well as high glow tank light.


Who does not like cleanliness? We all do. Then why single out the aquatic creatures? We observe that over a period, the water in the tank gets dirty, mossy and slippery. This is due to the waste of the fishes that is passed in the water and the crumbs of fish food that is unconsumed. A healthy and happy fish needs a clean environment. Do make it a point to thoroughly clean the tank at regular intervals and change the soiled water.


Betta fish are active and playful. They love to hide in dark spots. Creating an atmosphere with tunnels and caves with plants planted in the tank gives them plenty of scope to play hide-and-seek. As they socialize with fishes of other breeds in the tank as well as their own kind, it becomes a good exercise for them swim around and slip into a quiet spot.


Having a happy betta in the tank is vital as these types tend to lose their immunity and become susceptible to diseases if they are sad. An unhappy betta starts losing interest in food, gradually the color loses its vibrancy and the fins collapse and become dull.

It should be always kept in mind that when we keep pets, irrespective of the type and breed, they are totally dependent on us. It is our prime responsibility to take good care of them and keep them happy and content.